db::TableImpls Class Reference

This is a generated class that contains all TableImpls. More...

#include <TableImpls.h>

Inheritance diagram for db::TableImpls:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Initialize ()
 Initialize all tables.
TableImplVector::const_iterator begin () const
 Returns an iterator to the beginning of m_tables.
TableImplVector::const_iterator end () const
 Returns an iterator to the end of m_tables.

Public Attributes

SmartPtr< AccountsACCOUNTS
 TableImpl for the Accounts class.
SmartPtr< AreasAREAS
 TableImpl for the Areas class.
SmartPtr< BranchesBRANCHES
 TableImpl for the Branches class.
SmartPtr< ChannelsCHANNELS
 TableImpl for the Channels class.
SmartPtr< ChannelLogsCHANNELLOGS
 TableImpl for the ChannelLogs class.
< CharacterAccount
 TableImpl for the CharacterAccount class.
< CharacterBranch
 TableImpl for the CharacterBranch class.
< CharacterCluster
 TableImpl for the CharacterCluster class.
< CharacterSkill
 TableImpl for the CharacterSkill class.
SmartPtr< CharacterStatCHARACTERSTAT
 TableImpl for the CharacterStat class.
SmartPtr< CharacterTreeCHARACTERTREE
 TableImpl for the CharacterTree class.
SmartPtr< ClustersCLUSTERS
 TableImpl for the Clusters class.
SmartPtr< ChunksCHUNKS
 TableImpl for the Chunks class.
SmartPtr< ColoursCOLOURS
 TableImpl for the Colours class.
SmartPtr< CommandsCOMMANDS
 TableImpl for the Commands class.
SmartPtr< DetailsDETAILS
 TableImpl for the Details class.
SmartPtr< DetailAreaDETAILAREA
 TableImpl for the DetailArea class.
SmartPtr< DetailRoomDETAILROOM
 TableImpl for the DetailRoom class.
SmartPtr< DetailChunkDETAILCHUNK
 TableImpl for the DetailChunk class.
< DetailCharacter
 TableImpl for the DetailCharacter class.
SmartPtr< DetailDetailDETAILDETAIL
 TableImpl for the DetailDetail class.
SmartPtr< EchosECHOS
 TableImpl for the Echos class.
SmartPtr< EntitiesENTITIES
 TableImpl for the Entities class.
SmartPtr< ExitRoomEXITROOM
 TableImpl for the ExitRoom class.
SmartPtr< ExitsEXITS
 TableImpl for the Exits class.
SmartPtr< GrantGroupsGRANTGROUPS
 TableImpl for the GrantGroups class.
SmartPtr< LogsLOGS
 TableImpl for the Logs class.
SmartPtr< PermissionsPERMISSIONS
 TableImpl for the Permissions class.
SmartPtr< RacesRACES
 TableImpl for the Races class.
SmartPtr< RoomsROOMS
 TableImpl for the Rooms class.
SmartPtr< SectorsSECTORS
 TableImpl for the Sectors class.
SmartPtr< SkillsSKILLS
 TableImpl for the Skills class.
SmartPtr< StatsSTATS
 TableImpl for the Stats class.
SmartPtr< TracesTRACES
 TableImpl for the Traces class.
SmartPtr< TraceChunkTRACECHUNK
 TableImpl for the TraceChunk class.
SmartPtr< TraceDetailTRACEDETAIL
 TableImpl for the TraceDetail class.
SmartPtr< TraceEntityTRACEENTITY
 TableImpl for the TraceEntity class.
SmartPtr< TraceRoomTRACEROOM
 TableImpl for the TraceRoom class.
SmartPtr< TreesTREES
 TableImpl for the Trees class.
SmartPtr< VersionVERSION
 TableImpl for the Version class.


class Singleton< TableImpls >

Detailed Description

This is a generated class that contains all TableImpls.

Before using any tables, Initialize should be called.

See also:

Definition at line 44 of file TableImpls.h.

Member Function Documentation

void db::TableImpls::Initialize (  ) 

Initialize all tables.

TableImplVector::const_iterator db::TableImpls::begin (  )  const [inline]

Returns an iterator to the beginning of m_tables.

Definition at line 51 of file TableImpls.h.

TableImplVector::const_iterator db::TableImpls::end (  )  const [inline]

Returns an iterator to the end of m_tables.

Definition at line 54 of file TableImpls.h.

Member Data Documentation

SmartPtr<Accounts> db::TableImpls::ACCOUNTS

TableImpl for the Accounts class.

Definition at line 57 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Areas> db::TableImpls::AREAS

TableImpl for the Areas class.

Definition at line 58 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Branches> db::TableImpls::BRANCHES

TableImpl for the Branches class.

Definition at line 59 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Channels> db::TableImpls::CHANNELS

TableImpl for the Channels class.

Definition at line 60 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<ChannelLogs> db::TableImpls::CHANNELLOGS

TableImpl for the ChannelLogs class.

Definition at line 61 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<CharacterAccount> db::TableImpls::CHARACTERACCOUNT

TableImpl for the CharacterAccount class.

Definition at line 62 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<CharacterBranch> db::TableImpls::CHARACTERBRANCH

TableImpl for the CharacterBranch class.

Definition at line 63 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<CharacterCluster> db::TableImpls::CHARACTERCLUSTER

TableImpl for the CharacterCluster class.

Definition at line 64 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<CharacterSkill> db::TableImpls::CHARACTERSKILL

TableImpl for the CharacterSkill class.

Definition at line 65 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<CharacterStat> db::TableImpls::CHARACTERSTAT

TableImpl for the CharacterStat class.

Definition at line 66 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<CharacterTree> db::TableImpls::CHARACTERTREE

TableImpl for the CharacterTree class.

Definition at line 67 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Clusters> db::TableImpls::CLUSTERS

TableImpl for the Clusters class.

Definition at line 68 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Chunks> db::TableImpls::CHUNKS

TableImpl for the Chunks class.

Definition at line 69 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Colours> db::TableImpls::COLOURS

TableImpl for the Colours class.

Definition at line 70 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Commands> db::TableImpls::COMMANDS

TableImpl for the Commands class.

Definition at line 71 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Details> db::TableImpls::DETAILS

TableImpl for the Details class.

Definition at line 72 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<DetailArea> db::TableImpls::DETAILAREA

TableImpl for the DetailArea class.

Definition at line 73 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<DetailRoom> db::TableImpls::DETAILROOM

TableImpl for the DetailRoom class.

Definition at line 74 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<DetailChunk> db::TableImpls::DETAILCHUNK

TableImpl for the DetailChunk class.

Definition at line 75 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<DetailCharacter> db::TableImpls::DETAILCHARACTER

TableImpl for the DetailCharacter class.

Definition at line 76 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<DetailDetail> db::TableImpls::DETAILDETAIL

TableImpl for the DetailDetail class.

Definition at line 77 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Echos> db::TableImpls::ECHOS

TableImpl for the Echos class.

Definition at line 78 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Entities> db::TableImpls::ENTITIES

TableImpl for the Entities class.

Definition at line 79 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<ExitRoom> db::TableImpls::EXITROOM

TableImpl for the ExitRoom class.

Definition at line 80 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Exits> db::TableImpls::EXITS

TableImpl for the Exits class.

Definition at line 81 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<GrantGroups> db::TableImpls::GRANTGROUPS

TableImpl for the GrantGroups class.

Definition at line 82 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Logs> db::TableImpls::LOGS

TableImpl for the Logs class.

Definition at line 83 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Permissions> db::TableImpls::PERMISSIONS

TableImpl for the Permissions class.

Definition at line 84 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Races> db::TableImpls::RACES

TableImpl for the Races class.

Definition at line 85 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Rooms> db::TableImpls::ROOMS

TableImpl for the Rooms class.

Definition at line 86 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Sectors> db::TableImpls::SECTORS

TableImpl for the Sectors class.

Definition at line 87 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Skills> db::TableImpls::SKILLS

TableImpl for the Skills class.

Definition at line 88 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Stats> db::TableImpls::STATS

TableImpl for the Stats class.

Definition at line 89 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Traces> db::TableImpls::TRACES

TableImpl for the Traces class.

Definition at line 90 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<TraceChunk> db::TableImpls::TRACECHUNK

TableImpl for the TraceChunk class.

Definition at line 91 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<TraceDetail> db::TableImpls::TRACEDETAIL

TableImpl for the TraceDetail class.

Definition at line 92 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<TraceEntity> db::TableImpls::TRACEENTITY

TableImpl for the TraceEntity class.

Definition at line 93 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<TraceRoom> db::TableImpls::TRACEROOM

TableImpl for the TraceRoom class.

Definition at line 94 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Trees> db::TableImpls::TREES

TableImpl for the Trees class.

Definition at line 95 of file TableImpls.h.

SmartPtr<Version> db::TableImpls::VERSION

TableImpl for the Version class.

Definition at line 96 of file TableImpls.h.

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