src/Resource/telnet.h File Reference

This file contains definitions for the TELNET protocol. More...

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#define IAC   255
 (0xff) interpret as command:
#define DONT   254
 (0xfe) you are not to use option
#define DO   253
 (0xfd) please, you use option
#define WONT   252
 (0xfc) I won't use option
#define WILL   251
 (0xfb) I will use option
#define SB   250
 (0xfa) interpret as subnegotiation
#define GA   249
 (0xf9) you may reverse the line
#define EL   248
 (0xf8) erase the current line
#define EC   247
 (0xf7) erase the current character
#define AYT   246
 (0xf6) are you there
#define AO   245
 (0xf5) abort output--but let prog finish
#define IP   244
 (0xf4) interrupt process--permanently
#define BREAK   243
 (0xf3) break
#define DM   242
 (0xf2) data mark--for connect.
#define NOP   241
 (0xf1) nop
#define SE   240
 (0xf0) end sub negotiation
#define EOR   239
 (0xef) end of record (transparent mode)
#define SYNCH   242
 for telfunc calls
#define TELOPT_BINARY   0
 8-bit data path
#define TELOPT_ECHO   1
#define TELOPT_RCP   2
 prepare to reconnect
#define TELOPT_SGA   3
 suppress go ahead
#define TELOPT_NAMS   4
 approximate message size
#define TELOPT_STATUS   5
 give status
#define TELOPT_TM   6
 timing mark
#define TELOPT_RCTE   7
 remote controlled transmission and echo
#define TELOPT_NAOL   8
 negotiate about output line width
#define TELOPT_NAOP   9
 negotiate about output page size
#define TELOPT_NAOCRD   10
 negotiate about CR disposition
#define TELOPT_NAOHTS   11
 negotiate about horizontal tabstops
#define TELOPT_NAOHTD   12
 negotiate about horizontal tab disposition
#define TELOPT_NAOFFD   13
 negotiate about formfeed disposition
#define TELOPT_NAOVTS   14
 negotiate about vertical tab stops
#define TELOPT_NAOVTD   15
 negotiate about vertical tab disposition
#define TELOPT_NAOLFD   16
 negotiate about output LF disposition
#define TELOPT_XASCII   17
 extended ascic character set
#define TELOPT_LOGOUT   18
 force logout
#define TELOPT_BM   19
 byte macro
#define TELOPT_DET   20
 data entry terminal
#define TELOPT_SUPDUP   21
 supdup protocol
 supdup output
#define TELOPT_SNDLOC   23
 send location
#define TELOPT_TTYPE   24
 terminal type
#define TELOPT_EOR   25
 end or record
#define TELOPT_NAWS   31
 Negotiate About Window Size.
#define TELOPT_EXOPL   255
#define TELQUAL_IS   0
 option is.
#define TELQUAL_SEND   1
 send option

Detailed Description

This file contains definitions for the TELNET protocol.

Definition in file telnet.h.

Define Documentation

#define DM   242

(0xf2) data mark--for connect.


Definition at line 39 of file telnet.h.

#define TELQUAL_IS   0

option is.


Definition at line 98 of file telnet.h.

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